Library of the Institute is closed-type.

Until 2006, library was one of the organizational units of the Institute. Library staff took care of:
- Procurement of primary and secondary sources of information for other organizational units;
- The cataloging and preservation of library holdings;
- Translate letters, contracts, scientific papers and other documents of the Institute.
Library of the Institute is closed-type library and accessible only to staff of the Institute.
Of course, all literature is available to all interested scientists from other institutions, students of agricultural and other faculties. At your request, you can have access to all of the titles in the library and get scanned or copied specimens of titles that interest you.


Books, journals, dissertations,...


Over 3,500 titles of books and magazines is now stored in the library. Copies of all master's theses and doctoral dissertations that were made at the Institute, as well as a large number of theses and dissertations in the area of fruit growing that have been defended in the faculties of agriculture in the countries of former Yugoslavia, are also stored in the library. The library has over 170 titles of scientific journals and the expert magazines of domestic and foreign publishers, which is available on the website of the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition - KoBSON. All issues of the Journal of Pomology (formerly Journal of Yugoslav Pomology) since 1967 are stored in the library of the Institute.



The library is constantly renewed through exchanges with other institutions from Serbia and abroad (based on the exchange with the Journal of Pomology), buying and gifts.
The intensity of the procurement of scientific and technical literature in printed form after the formation of KoBSON is reduced. All employees of the Institute, thanks to the Academic Network of Serbia - AMRES, whose one of the user is Fruit Research Institute, have access to electronic services with 35,000 journals and 160,000 electronic books via KoBSON.