General characteristics
The tree is medium vigorous to vigorous, with a roundish head. The bark of the trunk and branches is smooth and grey. It bears fruit on long slender and mixed branches and on May bouquets. Fruit buds are distributed along the whole shoot length. The leaf is 12.7 cm long and 2.95 cm wide, dark green, crenulate. Petiole is short, with moderately pronounced red glands. The flower is medium large, light pink. All flower parts are normal. It flowers mid-early, in the second decade of April. Self-fertile. Regular and heavy cropper. Requires fruit thinning. Relatively resistant to diseases and susceptible to peach leaf curl (Taphrina deformans). It is not susceptible to Monilinia.
- Parents Veteran x Early East
- Hibridization 1963
- Released 1975
- Breeder Staniša Paunović
- Success Local

Fruit characteristics
Fruit is oval-roundish, small to medium-sized (115 g). Dimensions: length – 60.0 mm, width – 60.0 mm, thickness - 58.5 mm. The skin is medium thick, tough, peels easily. It has orange ground color, with carmine red patches over the whole surface, with short, dense pubescence. The flesh is firm, yellow, juicy, fine-textured, of sweet-acid flavor. The suture is prominent, dividing the fruit into equal halves. The tip is slightly to moderately pronounced, pointed. The stem cavity is moderately wide and deep. The stone is roundish, with pyriform tapering towards the base, brown. The stone is partly free with mass 4.85 g.
Ripening time
Ripening season is mid-early, in the middle of the third decade of July, somewhat earlier than Redhaven.
A mid-early, high-quality dessert cultivar. A heavy and regular cropper. It is recommended for growing in home gardens and in the vicinity of larger towns.