General characteristics
Shrub is vigorous. Branches are initially developed vertically, and later under the weight of the fruits receive widespread form. The leaf is large, dark green with a distinctive marbling. Buds are large, elongated. Racemes contain 10−15 flowers. The flower is big with greenish petals. It is characterized by early secondary movements of vegetation. Flowers mid-early. It is self-fertile and very high yielding cultivar. In previous studies Čačanska crna did not show significant sensitivity to the adverse effects of the most important biotic and abiotic factors. It is resistant to currant rot (Cronartium ribicola) and leaf spot (Pseudopeziza ribis).
- Parents self-fertilization Malling Jet
- Hibridization 1980
- Released 1998
- Breeders Miloljub Stanisavljević and Žarko Tešović
- Success Local

Fruit characteristics
The number of berries per long strig averages 8.5 berries. Berries are large (0.82 g), with 42 seeds in average, and easily separated from the stems. Average soluble solids content is 14.6% and 2.88% total acid.
Ripening time
It ripens mid-early, at the same time with the cultivar Baldwin. Excellent shipper.
It has a moderately prominent scent of black currants, which is very suitable for fresh consumption. It can also be used for processing and freezing. In previous studies this cultivar has shown remarkable results in terms of yield and quality of fruit. It is suitable for mechanized harvesting, because the ripe berries can be easily detached from the petioles. Under favourable growing conditions, the yields exceed 13 t/ha.