General characteristics
The tree is moderately vigorous. The crown is medium dense, pyramidal and also wide pyramidal under crop load. In improperly formed crowns scaffold branches have narrow angles and are therefore easily damaged, but they are very supple and rarely break under crop load. They abound in fruit buds. It bears fruit on one-year-old branches and requires severe pruning due to its high yielding potential. Flower buds contain 2.1 flowers on average. The leaf is medium large, light green on trees in good condition, but small to very small in over cropping trees. In these trees only fruiting buds are borne on bearing twigs, where there are no or few leaves. Leaf shape is ovate, with pointed tip. Petiole is medium long, thin, with glands at the leaf base. The flower is medium large, white. It flowers mid-early, with plums Čačanska Rana and Čačanska Lepotica. Self-fertile, with up to 40% fruit set. It is a cultivar with outstanding cropping potential that is particularly exhibited with full application of cultural practices. Omission of adequate management brings about alternate bearing, branches brake and become bold. Fruits remain small and of low quality. It is rather susceptible to the causal agents of red leaf spot (Polystigma rubrum Pers.), plum rust (Puccinia pruni spinosae Diet.) and moderately susceptible to plum pox virus. Distinct symptoms of Sharka are displayed on leaves, and fruit ripen earlier. Highly compatible with Myrobalan seedling rootstock.
- Parents Stanley x Požegača
- Hibridization 1961
- Released 1975
- Breeders Staniša Paunović, Milisav Gavrilović and Petar Mišić
- Success Global
Fruit characteristics
The fruit is small to medium large (26.4 g, sometimes attaining over 40 g), ovate. Dimensions: length - 45.0 mm, width - 37.0 mm, thickness - 36.5 mm. The skin is thin, tough, blue with heavy bloom and reddish-blue in trees with heavy crop. Flesh is firm, yellow, very juicy, sweet-subacid and aromatic. It contains 4.36% glucose, 1.75% fructose, 4.35% sucrose, 19.6% soluble solids and 0.92% total acids. The stone is small, long-ovate, light brown, free. Dimensions: length - 24.0 mm, width - 13.5 mm, thickness - 8.0 mm; stone mass - 1.22 g.
Ripening time
It ripens in late August-early September, several days before Požegača. Good transportability.
A heavy cropper, suitable for drying, processing and fresh consumption. It produces a high-quality prune when regularly and severely pruned. It bears alternately otherwise, producing small, low quality fruits. Grows well under different agro-ecological conditions. It does not require pollinators. This cultivar is produced in many European countries, and in New Zealand, as plums Čačanska lepotica and Čačanska najbolja.