General characteristics
The tree is dwarfing to moderately vigorous on Myrobalan seedling rootstocks. The top is loose, pyramidal, with strong scaffold branches. It bears fruit on fruiting spurs and on one year old branches abundant with fruit buds. Flower buds contain 1.9 flowers on average. The leaf varies in shape and size. Large, long-ovate, green leaves with pointed or obtuse tips and crenate margins predominate. The petiole is moderately long and thick, with glands at the leaf base. The flower is medium large, with white petals. Fruit bud contains 1−3 blossoms. It flowers late, with plums Požegača and Italian Prune, its good pollinators. Self-sterile cultivar with bearing varying by locality and weather conditions at bloom. In some localities it bears heavily and regularly. Moderately susceptible to the causal agents of red leaf spot (Polystigma rubrum Pers.) plum and rust (Puccinia pruni spinosae Diet.). Susceptible to the causal agent of fruit and flower rot (Monilinia laxa Aderh et Ruhl.), similar to Pacific. Slightly susceptible to plum pox virus. It is compatible with Myrobalan seedling rootstock.
- Parents Agen 707 x Pacific
- Hibridization 1961
- Released 1975
- Breeders Staniša Paunović, Milisav Gavrilović and Petar Mišić
- Success Local

Fruit characteristics
The fruit is ovate, medium large (averaging 41 g), purple-blue, with silvery bloom. Dimensions: length - 50.8 mm, width - 38.9 mm, thickness - 37.6 mm. The flesh is firm, juicy, yellow, sweet, of pleasant flavor.
Ripening time
It ripens in late August-early September. Relatively good shipper.
A self-sterile cultivar of variable cropping which is primarily induced by weather conditions at bloom. Very suitable for drying, producing high quality prunes. Recommended for cultivation only in particular localities where it crops regularly.