Research team
- Head Dr. Tatjana Vujović
- Saradnici
- Dr. Mirjana Mićević
- Tatjana Anđelić, MSC
- Marija Ranđić, laboratory technician
Scientific research activities
-Micropropagation in vitro (optimization phase of the initiation of the cultures, multiplication, rooting and acclimatization/adaptation) of representatives of the genuses Prunus, Malus, Pyrus, Rubus and Vaccinium.
- Testing the influence of the type and concentration of cytokinin and auxin in the induction of adventitious organogenesis from leaf in vitro propagated shoots of representatives of the genuses Prunus, Pyrus and Rubus.
- Investigation of the genetic stability of genotypes of the representatives of the genuses Prunus, Malus, Pyrus and Rubus propagated in vitro determination of the chromosome number (light microscopy), "flow cytometry" analysis of the relative content of DNA and electrophoretic analysis of soluble isoperoxidases.
- Medium-long storage in vitro shoots of representatives of the genuses Prunus and Rubus in the cold by applying "Cold Storage" techniques (+5°C).
- Training course for micropropagation and adventitious organogenesis.
- Training course for cryopreservation.
- Plant micropropagation.